Message from the Director

CDFI Publish Date

I'm very pleased to release the CDFI Fund's new five-year Strategic Plan: Impact and Excellence. You can read it here.

Today I spoke at the 2016 CDFI Coalition Institute to discuss the CDFI Fund's recent accomplishments and our upcoming objectives.

I am very excited to kick-off the CDFI Fund National Listening Tour at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco next Tuesday. To enhance the dialogue, the CDFI Fund is launching a Twitter account TODAY! Follow us @CDFIFund.

Last Monday marked the beginning of my tenure as the new Director of the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund).

CDFI Fund Director Donna J. Gambrell retired at the end of December, 2013. Her last message to the CDFI community is below.

 It's such a pleasure to have this opportunity to update community development organizations across the country on the CDFI Fund's recent progress and activities. The year 2013 may be only a month old, but the CDFI Fund has been busy with fiscal year 2013 since October 1, 2012.

At the end of 2008, during the worst financial crisis in over 50 years, the CDFI Fund's Community Development Advisory Board formed a special subcommittee to examine the crisis and its effect on CDFIs across the United States.

​ I am pleased to report that there have been several exciting new developments at the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) and the U.S. Department of the Treasury since my last message, and more are on the way in the months to come.

The beginning of a new year is always a good time to pause a moment to reflect on the journey we have just completed as well as on the road that lies ahead.